Thursday, January 14, 2010

just taking a long weekend

While I will be diligently keeping my eyes and my heart open for all the good stuff in my life over the next few days, I will be taking a break from recording them here. Rich and the boys will be leaving tomorrow to go visit Rich's mom. Annie and I have massive amounts of work to catch up on before the end of this month (due to the problems Dec. brought), so we will be staying home playing catch-up. I am going to do my best to stay off the computer (except for school-related stuff, obviously)...I'm sure I won't succeed completely, but I likely won't be here.

Hope everyone has a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful weekend!!!!


  1. You have a wonderful weekend, too, Debi! Educate away!

  2. have an awesome weekend - stay warm.

  3. Have a great time, Debi! We all deserve a great sometimes.

    ps - I want you to know the word verification thinging is "poniz" which Death would be very happy about. :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Okay, apparently not only am I ridiculously typo-prone today, but I can't read either :P I hope Rich and the boys have a great trip, and that you and Annie have a great weekend together. There :P

    (Let us hope this is due to having been up for 18 hours on 4 hours of sleep the previous night, and that it says nothing what I did in the test...)

  6. I hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Enjoy you weekend!(or I guess by the time you read this it should say I hope you enjoyed your weekend!)

    Little breaks are good :)

    take care,

  8. Have a wonderful weekend, Debi! :)

  9. You all have a wonderful, restful, "catching up on everything" weekend. I sincerely hope you get a lot done and still have fun.
